2 years old

Avi Charkham
3 min readJun 30, 2021


Unlock Vision is 2 years old 🎂

2 years ago I quit my job and founded Unlock Vision with the mission to unlock the power of coaching… A quest to create the frameworks and tools for building and leading vision-driven empowered teams.

I had a single client and zero guarantees I would be able to support my family. I remember being scared shitless, thinking “What the #%$$% did you do?!”.

Before I started I laid down my vision. The title was “Unlock Vision 2024”. I clearly remember thinking what I was writing wasn’t possible but telling myself to write it down nonetheless… When I was done, right there on the paper, was a vision of a world where my passions met my unique gifts in a way that fueled an economic engine that enabled me to give more of what I am passionate about to the world. On that paper was a vision of my personal flywheel.

I thought that 5 years if at all, wouldn’t be enough… But in reality, it took me less than 18 months to complete the core of my 5 years vision! I was shocked when I realized that happened. Could it be possible that the only thing limiting me all these years was the courage to put down in words what I dreamed and desired to see in this world?

That thought is the most liberating and terrifying realization of the past two years.

Like a 2 years old

I’m gonna be 50 next week but I feel like a 2 years old babe walking this world full of curiosity and excitement.

I wake up each day full of energy thinking of the people I’m gonna work with today… These incredible startup founders who chose to walk the road not taken. Who chose to lead teams through uncertainty in pursuit of a mission.

It’s a coach’s dream to coach people who are in a constant quest for growth. And entrepreneurs are like Olympians! They have no choice but to grow and evolve. If they quit growing their company and dreams would stop growing with them…

I feel blessed and humbled and grateful each day. I love you guys ❤️

The next 20 years

I look at the past 2 years and my body just “pops” with energy when I think what we can unlock together given 2 years X10… (hint — anything we can dream of together 😊)

I sit in front of that blank vision page “Unlock Vision 2041” and ask to have the courage to write down the words that truly capture the amazing world I dream to live in 20 years from today... I ask the believer in me to believe. I look at the blank page and ask myself the magic question… “What do you want?”

And as I think of the answer I feel, at the edges of my vision, an image starting to form…

To the next 20 years 🥂


